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Causes and treatment options for female infertility

As women continue to age, their fertility tends to take a nosedive. Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs. With aging, the number of eggs and their quality tend to decrease. According to the experts, fertility decreases by 3% to 5% after the age of 30. Once the woman attains the age of 40, there is a rapid decline in fertility health. As you can understand, for certain conditions, when a woman realizes she is infertile, various health-related problems can surface. The leading causes of female infertility can be many. We highlight a few here. can solve your all problems regarding tubal reversal surgery.

Damages to the fallopian tube are one of the prime reasons leading to infertility. Once the fallopian tube is damaged, the sperm can never meet the eggs. As a result; the women will never conceive. Underlying diseases such as pelvic infections and even surgeries can lead to such damages to the fallopian tubes. Then we have the hormonal imbalances. Perhaps, the changes in hormones are the most common reason for women infertility. Fortunately, both these conditions can be treated if timely intervened with medical procedures.

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Cervical problems are the next reason which restricts the passing of the sperm through the cervical canal. Generally, the excessive production of mucus or surgery performed on this area leads to the problem. The cervical blockage is again treatable, but it is essential to get the treatment at the proper time. The other known conditions leading to women infertility are the woman having epilepsy, having endometriosis, the presence of uterine fibroids, PCOS, and for reasons unknown.

As already mentioned, the diagnosis of female infertility needs to be at the right juncture; There are a number of examinations which will help the fertility experts in determining the proper cause of the problem. Usually, blood tests, laparoscopy, and an HSG test are necessary to evaluate the problem. The fertility expert after going through the exam reports will prepare a customized treatment plan for the woman. Thanks to the medical advancements in this field, most of the cases of female infertility can now be treated with ease.

Furthermore, women have a wide array of choices to overcome their depression of not being able to conceive. The Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART), IVF procedure, other medical therapies, intrauterine insemination, egg donation, ZIFT and GIFT, and surrogacy are some of the ways with which an infertile woman can find solace.

At the present day, the women are not the only flag-bearers of infertility as it was popularly believed. Male factor infertility is also responsible to a great extent for the inability of the couple to bear a child. The proper evaluation at the onset is critical for this reason.

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